Lucky 13
This whole workout can be done in your bedroom or basement. The only equipment you need is a folding chair to use as a step and a set of light dumbbells (3-15 pounds). You can even get inventive and use random things like heavy books as weights. If you do a video search on the internet for these exercises you will find great ways to help you do them correctly. Using proper form is the most important thing over number of reps or weight.Download a Printable Version of this workout here
1. Forward Lunges: Hold weights in both hands. Lunge forward with your right leg. Then back to start position. Lunge forward with left. Repeat 20-30 times (10-15 reps on each side). Beginners don’t need weights.
2. Deadlifts: Hold weights in both hands. Stand upright. Then lean over at the waist and bring weights to your toes. Stand back up. Repeat 10-15 times. Start by not going as deep in your lean and work up to full toe reach.
3. Step Ups: Hold weights in both hands. Place the chair in front of you. Step up with your right leg and bring your left knee to your chest. Put your left leg down on step. Step down with your right and then left. Repeat with right leg 10-15x. Repeat with left leg.
4. Side Bends: Hold weight in right hand at your side. Left hand on hip. Feet shoulder width apart. Bend to the right so you feel the stretch on your left side. Repeat 10-15 times. Then repeat with weight in left hand.
5. Bulgarian Squats: Hold weights in both hands. Start with no weights. Place the chair directly behind you and place your right foot on it facing forward. Left foot slightly ahead of you. Drop your right knee towards the ground staying tall in your body the whole time. Repeat 10-15 times. Then repeat with the right leg. Focus on hip and knee alignment.
6. Push-ups (1 minute): I do as many regular pushups as I can before going to my knees.
7. Squats: Hold weights in both hands. Legs should be shoulder-width apart. Go all the way down (don’t let your knees pass your toes) and then up. Repeat 10-15 times. Start with no weight and just do air squats until you can do this with perfect form.
8. Plank with leg lifts (1 min): Get into normal plank position. Lift right leg in air and hold for 5 seconds. Lower. Lift left leg and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat.
9. Sumo Squats: Hold weights in both hands. Open your stance wider than shoulder width and turn your legs out (toes are not pointing forward). Squat down and then come up. Repeat 10-15 times. Start with no weight and work up.
10. Russian Twists: Sit down. Keep your back at 45 degree angle with your legs either on the floor or in the air (more advanced) so your body is making a “V”. Start with no weight and twist your upper body to the right, then to left (that’s one rep). Repeat 15-30 times. Build up to 10-15lbs of weight.
11. Wall Sits: Lean against wall in a sitting position, as if a chair is under you. Can be done with or without weights. Start with 30-45 seconds and gradually increase by 15 seconds.
12. V-ups: Lie flat on the floor. Keeping your legs straight, then lift them up in the air. At the same time, bring your upper body up to a sitting position so you can touch your toes. Let your upper body and legs return to the starting, flat position. Repeat 10-15 times.
13. Push-ups (1 minute): I do as many regular pushups as I can before going to my knees.
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